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looking for Hazel Merrell Toledo Ohio around 1930, have researched newspapers,birth certificates and numerous sites also old phone books,she had a baby girl in 1930 and gave her away. no birth certificate couldn't find searched numerous vital statistics.<

have birth certificate with Hazel Merrell and Pickering as father no first name. been looking for years so I can find birth certificate for my mom, she always talked about having one. I think her name was changed when she was given away. contacted vital statistics in Columbus and Toledo with no results. I don't want to give up yet!

looking for Hazel Merrell of Toledo Ohio around 1930

Hazel MERRELL had a child in 1930, she was given away not adopted around 1931-1932. She resided in Toledo at this time and some stories has her working at American Swiss Factory. There is no birth certificate for her child I think her name was changed by her new parents. on the childs baptismal certificate the mother is named as Hazel MERRELL and father PICKERING no first name.